通过联名活动,e.dye®携手品牌向消费者持续推广纺织品的永续性闭环。 Our Co-Branding suite is tailored towards each brand we partner with. Let’s start a conversation to understand how to best help your brand tell a story about sustainability.
Our embroidered side-seam labels are made with zero water, and the vibrant colors represent our dedication to streamlined color management.
透过手机扫描吊牌和印标上的二维码,消费者在实体店面能连接至e.dye®网站了解服饰产品的Life Cycle Assessment (LCA: 产品生命周期评价),以及单件产品详细的省水量。 QR code interactivity on hangtag and label allows end-user to see Life-Cycle-Analysis reports on our site, as well as link to specific water savings reports about their garment, in store!