e.dye®创新中心位于中国昆山市,身为无水染色系统™的试点工厂,创新中心已经研发出上万个颜色并进行规模化量产。创新中心距离上海约90分钟车程,一栋占地16万平方英尺的三层楼绿色环保建筑,里面有管理部门,两座实验室和e.dye®整合流程的完整试点工厂。 Located in Kunshan, China, the Innovation Center is a pilot factory for our solution dyed polyester Waterless Color System™. It is here that we have developed over 5,000 colors, and brought them to production samples.
e.dye®无水染色系统™所应用的原液着色流程经过反复验证,颜色在纱线汇出成型前就加入。相比传统水染制程中,染料仅附着在纱线表面,e.dye®纱线由内而外上色,面料颜色不褪色、不溢色。 Our Innovation Center is located 90 minutes from Shanghai, and is a 160,000 square foot three-story green manufacturing facility. The Innovation Center includes management offices, two test labs and a fully integrated pilot factory.
创新中心研发的颜色数据库中,每个色母粒都是经过科学系统性建立的颜料和染料配方。因此我们在每一个阶段都能确保再生产一致性,从核色、初样、销样、大货、到每一笔返单。 The e.dye® Waterless Color System™ uses a proven process known as solution dyeing. By adding the color before the polymers are extruded, the color is inside the yarn. Since the color is inside the yard, (in contrast to outside the yarn with traditional water-dye process) the color is permanent. The colors won’t fade or bleed on to adjacent colors.
通过数据和公式来分析颜色,e.dye®的产品才能呈现颜色一致性。在颜色匹配过程中,我们不单是从外观上比较,而是回溯到相对应的色母粒和纱线汇出工段,确保面料颜色一步到位。 The e.dye® Innovation Center has created detailed formulas for more than 5,000 vibrant colors. The MASTERBATCH colors are mathematically derived pigment and dyestuff formulas. We can produce the exact color time after time – from color approvals, to prototypes, through salesman samples and from one bulk order to the next.
品牌产品经理和设计师在与e.dye®合作开发时,明显能感受到e.dye®无水染色系统™所带来的优势,数据库计算每个颜色经由不同纱线丹尼数、条数、面料织造、光线折射所产生的不同视觉效果,进一步用分析模拟图搭配实体样品。在一个产品中,不同规格的部件都符合色彩一致性,这是e.dye致力推广的Color Harmony™。 Using sophisticated mathematical formulas to define colors, e.dye® offers an unmatched ability to produce consistent dyed yarns season after season. If we want to match a color, we aren’t just comparing two colors and adjusting our recipe, we are using software to call up a specific colorant Masterbatch, extruding the filaments, and making the yarn exactly the same, every time.
创新中心是e.dye®营运的核心,完整呈现e.dye®无水染色系统™的流程,协调整合每一道工段并控管着产品质量,预约拜访。 Working closely with brand managers and product designers at the Innovation Center, e.dye® can document the benefits of the Waterless Color System. Our Data color analysis can show a color developer or designer exactly how different denier and filaments, weaves and knits, reflect light. We provide physical samples for visual reference along with Data color digital analysis. Typically we provide a curve that is an acceptable color match within tolerance in the L*a*b* color space for hue and slightly different along the L* axis (light/dark). We call this Color Harmony™.
Our Innovation Center is the heart of e.dye®’s operation, and it is inside our headquarters that we can control every aspect of quality control, and most fully demonstrate the e.dye® process. Come visit us!