色牢度 Colorfastness
现有染色工艺已经不合时宜。Existing dyeing methods are antiquated.

传统染色工艺将纺织品放入水中与染料、助剂加热混合,但此方法并不适用合成纤维。e.dye®原液着色将颜色由内而外上色至纤维里。我们的纺织品不仅达到永续性的目标,同时也兼具高耐用度和优秀色牢度。 Old fashioned ways of putting textiles into a bath of dye, fixing agents, steam, and agitation doesn’t work with synthetic materials. e.dye® uses solution dyeing to put the color inside the yarn. Although our focus is on sustainability, what we have found since adopting this technology, is it results in a superior durability and colorfastness.

e.dye®颜色不褪色,不溢色。 颜色永固。 e.dye® colors will never fade, will never bleed. e.dye® colors are permanent.
纺织品颜色的褪色和溢色,时常限制着设计师的款式设计。经过24小时水系测试,我们研究对比水染色涤纶布料和相同规格的e.dye®涤纶面料,图片中显示白色面料(参考样本)明显受到水染面料的溢色影响。 When colors bleed and migrate, it is harder for designers to create their ideal creations. We studied the bleeding between piece dyed polyester and the same fabric specifications in e.dye® yarns. We put the below samples under a 24 Hour wash test. The discoloration on the control fabric (white) below speak volumes to this issue: