e.dye® 是着力于原液着色材料的色彩管理系统,针对纺织品所开发的颜色数据库和系统性对色流程,其革命性的无水染色技术使得纱线纤维由内而外上色,颠覆传统纺织染色工艺。 is a solution dyed polyester color system with over 5,000 colors and a sophisticated color-matching process for garment textiles. e.dye® is a paradigm shift in textile dyeing, because e.dye® actually puts the color inside the yarn.
e.dye®无水染色系统是颠覆性的纺织染色流程,精准调色,无褪色,无溢色。对比传统制程,无水染色过程减少消耗水资源85%,化学品90%, 碳排放12%。 The e.dye® Waterless Color System™ is a paradigm shift in textile dyeing. It is precision color, no fade, no bleeding and requires 85% less water, 90% less harmful chemicals, and results in 12% less CO₂ emissions compared to traditional piece dyeing.
了解更多Learn Moree.dye®独家色母粒配方精确调合颜料和原料,持续新增色彩数据库,赋能纺织品高准度颜色匹配和再生产一致性。 By using our Masterbatch recipes, we tightly control the mixture of pigment and raw material. This control allows for more precise color-matching, and more consistency, garment after garment.
了解更多Learn Moree.dye®无水染色系统里,纱线由内而外完整上色,将色相,彩度,明度提升到新境界。 e.dye® Waterless Color System™ is pure, vibrant, uninterrupted color because the color lives inside each yarn.
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