Color plays a role in every part of our lives. Colors surround us. Some colors are familiar and traditional, others seem to come and go chasing 15 minutes of fame. For every blue, red or green, there’s dozens of variations. When marketers get involved, names of colors need more drama, more vitality, and more personality. Green becomes emerald, pink becomes rose quartz.
Billions of dollars have been spent analyzing how color influences consumer purchasing behavior, fashion trends and even the cultural mood of the United States. An article, “What is the Perfect Color Worth” published in the February 28th, 2018 New York Times, profiles the intriguing process of evaluating, selecting and promoting each year’s signature color. Pantone, LLC, one of the most influential arbiters of color names ultraviolet as 2018’s ‘Color of the Year.” The bluish purple hue replaced 2017’s Greenery and 2016’s Rose Quartz.
Traditional dye processes that create the trendiest colors can be as imprecise as trying to parse out the differences between sapphire and azure blue. Color formulas differ by factory and supplier and trying to replicate a previous season’s color can be challenging.
Fortunately, e.dye® Waterless Color System™ delivers superior color consistency because the color is “baked” inside each yarn. e.dye®’s Innovation Center has created detailed formulas for more than 5,000 vibrant colors. The master batch is mathematically derived pigment and dyestuff formulas. We can produce the exact color time after time – from color approvals, to prototypes, through salesman samples and from one bulk order to the next. Brands who depend on signature colors for pinnacle products no longer have to worry about colors shifting season to season.
With e.dye®’s process the color formula is permanent and can be duplicated time after time. That’s not the case with any other color system. Other color systems aren’t tied to an industrial process. With our Innovation Center we have a repeatable process. No one in the traditional “water dye” industry can match this precision. Not Pantone, not Color Solutions International, no one else in the industry.
What color will capture the world’s attention next year? There’s always a new shade in a designer’s imagination. e.dye® is inventing new colors every day to inspire designers, brand managers and trendwatchers. Not only can we create your signature color, we can offer accurately replicate that color 10 years from now.